We are thrilled to be working with Rubies in the Rubble

by | Mar 2, 2022

We are thrilled to be working with Rubies in the Rubble, stocking and selling their amazing condiment range that not only tastes good but does the planet some good too.

Rubies founder Jenny Costa has found the secret sauce (see what we did there) to not only create a range of great tasting condiments that are made using produce that would otherwise be dumped but to scale it up to serve both big retail and the hospitality industry. And when consumers are looking for alternatives interesting new condiments can add that differentiation that takes your offer up a notch.

This sector is overdue a serious competitor

We get Heinz ketchup and Hellmans mayo they are quality products but a little too ubiquitous and simply not bringing anything new to the table. What Rubies have created is a range of condiments that are accessible but also distinctive and although taste-wise very clearly an obvious alternative to the main brands, they also offer enough difference in taste to create interest and demand.

Tackling food waste and providing great taste

However, stocking the Rubies in the Rubble range comes with extra Brownie points. Food wastage and food miles are serious issues and Rubies are spearheading a movement that will become increasingly important as consumers continue to source ethical choices in what they purchase to eat and drink. They have taken the concept of using ingredients that would otherwise be wasted and scaled it up past the artisan level.

This is important because as industry professionals investing in a brand demands that we have the confidence that the supply will meet demand and that the quality and support will be of the same standard. The Rubies range has proven itself in Waitrose and other quality retail environments and now they are working with us at Comesto to push the offer out to the hospitality industry.

Buy it from Comesto now!

The whole range is ambient, long shelf life and comes in a range of sizes including a 10 litre catering pack. And both Comesto and the team at Rubies are here to help you serve your customers a better alternative. We can offer marketing and serving collateral and guide you through how best to sell the products to your clients.

Keeping customer loyalty and improving footfall are paramount in this business and when you start telling a great story around the choice of condiments on offer and hit them with a new distinctive taste to complete the experience, people appreciate it.

Take a look at the range, place your first order and help fight food waste